NEXT: 2. The 12-minute tour of Drug Courts

1. Funding and expanding Drug Treatment Courts
This e-book is prepared in the hope that it will serve as a resource for those who are interested in whether criminal justice-oriented drug courts should be re-funded and extended across North Carolina. There are a number of court-directed rehab models that do not arise from the criminal justice system. These problem-solving courts include veterans' treatment courts; juvenile drug courts; mental health courts that deal specifically with mentally ill persons; and family treatment courts that treat the parents of abused, neglected or dependent children. This document is addressed specifically toward court-directed rehab models that arise in the criminal justice context.
As a judge of a small town criminal justice drug court, I have witnessed the effectiveness of these courts. I came to understand how court-directed rehab models resolve substance abuse in ways that were unavailable to voluntary (traditional) drug treatment. I realized that professed and acknowledged conservatives support drug courts as good correction policy and conservative use of tax dollars. Drug court supporters include Republican conservatives from the Tea Party in the U.S. House and Senate, including Republican governors and legislatures in all states contiguous to North Carolina as well its Governor Pat McCrory. It also includes the sitting Republican governors who sought the U.S. Presidency in 2016.
In this document, I will use North Carolina Corrections statistics to explain that it costs less to remove these repeat offenders from the revolving door than to continue to house them in prison facilities at a cost of $28,000 per year. I will show why the North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts (NCAOC) chose to cut drug court funding for 23 counties in 2011 rather than cut state-wide programming that increased efficiency for the court system. I will show that the data clearly proves the need for North Carolina conservatives to move away from paying more for less and toward following nationally recognized conservative leadership.
Each section is written to stand alone. This means concepts which are important in several sections will be repeated in each section.
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